Websites for parents and students: This is the site used to calculate your child's BMI (Body Mass Index) score.
Kids health - this is a site that is designed for kids with a lot of good information about exercise.
Play "Rate Your Plate", the new interactive nutrition education game. Its designed for students, grades 4 and up. Adults can play, too! Create your own meal and learn about the Food Guide Pyramid, the Dietary Guidelines 2000 and the food label. We've added new foods this fall!
Obesity Campaign
Click the runner to learn
more about this partnership
to fight obesity.
First Lady's Campaign
Against Obesity
Increase your physical exercise
each day.
And eat a

Click on the Astronaut to Learn More About Eating Right

MyPyramid Blast Off Game
An interactive computer game where kids can reach Planet Power by fueling their rocket with food and physical activity. “Fuel” tanks for each food group help students keep track of how their choices fit into MyPyramid.
Stay Fit For Life

Click on this excellent push-up to learn more about the
CT State Fitness Test